Thursday, November 8, 2012



Guile: deceitful, cunning

I chose the word guile because it sounded different than usual words such as valor or freedom. The sound of the word is very odd to me. It reminds me of nails on a chalkboard or chewing on foil. The word

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Anatomy of a Castle

Castles were not just the homes for the royals—they were strong fortresses. A strong castle consisted of an intricate system of barriers to fend off enemy nations.

Parts of a castle:
Moat or ditch - This was a large hole dug around the castle. Most were filled with deep water to prevent enemies from coming in, but even those without water stopped intruders because the deep, steep walls prevented the enemy from entering.

Drawbridge - The only way to cross a moat was on the drawbridge. These wooden structures could be raised or lowered depending on whether or not the people in the castles wanted you to come in. Ropes or chains were attached to the end of the bridge and then rigged to a pulley so that guards were able to quickly raise it.

Gatehouse - A gatehouse was built into the curtain. At first it was just a simple door by which to go in and out of the castle, but over time that changed. Because enemy armies often came to this area, an iron grate was added that could be put down to block entrance, in addition to heavy wooden doors. Small holes, called murder holes, were added to the ceiling above the main entrance to pour boiling liquid down on entering enemies.

Towers - Towers were also a part of the curtain. They allowed people to look about and keep watch outside the castles walls. In addition, at times they kept prisoners. For example, the Tower of London in England was well known for the important political prisoner kept within its walls.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Mead Hall

The monster came at night and woke us in the mead hall. Blood-thirsty and evil, this beast devoured whole humans with a swift crush of the jaw.

Oh! How horrible the sights I have seen—memories scattered through my brain. Once seen, these visuals are impossible to erase. I will never forget that horrid night in the mead hall!
This beast—fat, hairy, smelly, evil, foul! This dreadful being!

Teeth! Sharp! Teeth! Teeth! Sharp! Razor teeth! Oh! How gruesome are the images flashing through my head. Fangs of the night!

The giant figure.....the moon! He blocked out the moon! His gigantic figure blocked out the moon shining in the mead hall. I, the only one awake, saw the terrifying shadow come over us. I saw him first and woke the others.

We tried to run, to scramble with terror in our hearts. We tried! I tell you we tried! But failed we did. Failed! He had us trapped in that hall—nowhere to go, nowhere to run!

He grabbed my friend! My sole friend! Pulled his limbs off like that of swine. Her finished him off and wiped the blood from his lips. The blood! Blood! Belched he did.

We all ran terrified, but we were no match for him! The beast!

Brown fur! Brown fur, bloody beard! Brown fur.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gutenberg's Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg's printing press was an amazing invention that completely changed the print-making industry and changed the world. Before Gutenberg's invention, all books had to be written by hand. There were many monks who copied books by hand all day. Books were a scarce form of communication because they had to be manually copies.
Gutenberg's invention was actually a combination of many inventions around the world. The Chinese had already found the art of print making and Gutenberg just found a way to speed the print making. After the printing press's popularity grew, books could be printed in a fraction of the time and cost. Books became plentifully available and books, such as the Bible, were able to reach more people worldwide.

Sources: and

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Christopher Small - Percy Shelly and Frankenstein

1. Mary's main question to answer was what was the principle of life. This gave her her starting point
2. By name, Victor and Mary Shelly have a lot in common.
3. The Dr. Frankenstein and Shelley both had childhood struggles.

I thought this was a very interesting article. I enjoyed how Christopher Small related the author's work directly to the author. It is interesting to learn more about Mary Shelley and her background. It is valuable to learn the author's backstory when you read a novel. A writer's life can greatly effect his or her life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Frankenstein - Victor's Goals

The two paragraphs at the end of Chapter III display Dr. Victor Frankenstein's struggle and overall goal of creating the monster. At the start of the passage, Victor asserts that this creation will "claim the gratitude" (Shelley 33) of the people and it seems as though he desires acknowledgment and credit for "bestow[ing] animation upon a lifeless matter" (Shelley 33). Victor wants recognition at the beginning, but as the passage progresses he becomes more secluded and obsessed with separation from the outside world. He becomes selfish by the fact that his work will only please him and bestow upon him scientific gain. Publicity and merit turn into secrecy as Victor begins to grasp the horrors of his work. Yet, Victor seems to justify his acts as a way to break boundaries, reach the unknown, and to give to something that has none. This theme of discovery seems to overshadow the shocking monster he is creating.

Victor maintains a strong sense of perseverance as he discovers the trials that his work brings to him. It is interesting to note the strength and determination he asserts. Shelley's choice of "Victor" for the doctor's name also eludes a sense of "victory" or accomplishment. Victor mentions an "almost frantic" and "unnatural stimulus"(Shelley 33-34) that drove him to continue creating. This power of creation gives Victor the sense of being a god over his work. He asserts that this new species will "bless me as its creator and source" (Shelley 33). Shelley's use of the word "species" gives merit to the idea that Victor is interested in allowing the beast to multiply and grow. The author's use of perseverance and an internal drive bring the character of Victor to life and gives him motives and a final product to strive for.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Frankenstein, Mary Shelley

This is a remarkable book! My favorite passage by far is Volume III, Chapter III. In this short chapter, Dr. Frankenstein has to battle his conscience and his fear of the monster. As he is preparing the materials for a second female monster, his mind jumps from worst case senario to worst case senario as he realizes that he will create another beast, of which he cannot predict the actions of.

I enjoy reading about the struggle that Dr. Frankenstein has to face and, while I read the novel, I felt a sense of joy when Dr. Frankenstein decides to destroy the materials for a second creature.

It also humors me to analyze the concerns that the Dr. has for this new female creature. He fears the creature will become more powerful and may not want to ally with the current "male" monster. He also is scared that if the two monsters do bond together, they will create monstrous offspring. I find this funny because Dr. Frankenstein is a scientist who obviously knows a tremendous lot about human anatomy. While he was preparing the materials for the second monster, couldn't he make her less strong, maybe a little smaller, and sterile—to eliminate the fear of offspring monsters?

All of these ideas are what fascinates me about this passage.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Most Memorable Books

Here are ten of my most memorable books.

  1. And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie. This was one of my first mystery books and I immediately fell in love with it. I like how secretive and odd each of the characters are and thank God for the expository at the end, or I would not like the book at all!
  2. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury. This was an interesting read. I was very interested in the twisted society and it was eye-opening to compare the fictional society in the book with the world in 2012.
  3. Macbeth, William Shakespeare. This play was the first Shakespeare play that I loved. I truly enjoyed the plot and Shakespeare's beautiful language. This was my highlight of ninth grade.
  4. The Bad Beginning and the entire Series of Unfortunate Events book series, Lemony Snicket. I began this series in third grade and it was the first book series where I read every book. I grew fond of the twisted plots and the woeful ending of each novel.
  5. Hatchet and the entire series, Gary Paulsen. I first read this book in fourth grade and I immediately fell in love with it. The adventure and suspense kept me turning each page. I have probably re-read the book three or four times.
  6. Mouse Tales, David Koenig. This book is written from the perspective of a Cast Member at Disneyland. The author exposes the true workings of the park and this book fascinated me in middle school. I loved the book so much and I never wanted it to end...I think I still have yet to read the last chapter because of the fear that the book was over!
  7. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Agatha Christie. This was the second Agatha Christie book that I read in eighth grade. Again, I fell in love with Christie's language and mystery. 
  8. A Christmas Carol,  Charles Dickens. I read this book last winter break. I have always loved the films for A Christmas Carol and it was a joy to finally read the novel. The novel feels more like a ghost story then the films that portray it as an adventure or feel-good story.
  9. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee. This book was very inspiring and I fell in love with it immediately after I read it in eighth grade. I enjoy the many themes throughout the book and the innocent, yet complex perspective of Scout.
  10. The Miracle Worker, William Gibson. This play was very eye-opening and touching. I have always been fascinated with Helen Keller and this play really brought that story to life for me.